Procedures for returning to a post pandemic church
We are back to a normal routine.
Since we will be processing in, make sure the two spots for the server(s) are left open in the pew.
Offertory collection as usual.
You are there to answer questions and make the parishioner(s) feel welcome and comfortable. Please be flexible.
As before, if people ask to have communion brought to their seat bring an EM to them.
Pass out bulletins after Mass.
When placing the host in the person's hand, do not touch their hand.
Cup Ministers should make sure the cup is wiped thoroughly.
Mass Coordinators
Do your normal before Mass setup routine.
After Mass clean up like we normally do.
Hand out the Missals as parishioners arrive.
When leaving, collect the Missals. Parishioners are able to keep their missal and bring it back each week.
Altar Servers
You will process in as normal and sit where we have in the past. If there are changes to the normal process Father will guide you. Just check with him before Mass.